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what is
a FabLab?

a large global network

Fab Labs constitute a worldwide network of local laboratories designed to nurture creativity through access to digital manufacturing tools. The philosophy behind Fab Labs traces back to the course "How to Make (Almost) Anything," introduced by Neil Gershenfeld in 1998 at MIT. This course focused on creating a diverse array of products using a limited set of machinery. The Fab Lab concept was originated and developed by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in Boston in 2005.

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The innovative concept of Fab Labs sparks a digital revolution in manufacturing, education, employment, and community-based learning. From the beginning Fab Labs started to be established globally, along with a consistently expanding network.










Fab Labs are interconnected through state-of-the-art internet mediums, forming one of the world's largest networks of knowledge and resources. Each year, this network expands across the planet, driven by the direct benefits they offer to the communities in which they operate.

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FabLabs Map


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frequent questions

What does a FabLab offer?


If you're keen on broadening your understanding of digital manufacturing, our focus lies primarily in training. You can enroll in our courses, both technical and practical, and upon becoming a member, you'll have the opportunity to reserve machinery at the space. Through training on machine operation, you can pursue your own projects within our facilities.




Should you represent an association, institution, group, or company and aspire to develop a project, whether educational or cultural, reach out to us. We're keen to collaborate, helping shape your project and determine the ideal conditions for its execution.

How can I be a user, what are the advantages?


To access our machinery and space (allocated on specific days), becoming a user is necessary. Moreover, users receive priority and discounts for many of our offered courses. Costs vary depending on the extent of utilization within the space of FabLab Cuenca.


(We are currently developing this service,

More information will be available soon)

What Users Should Keep in Mind at FabLab Cuenca?


Safety: Prioritize personal safety equipment and adhere to safety protocols when utilizing machines and tools to ensure not only your safety but that of fellow users.

Cleaning: It's crucial to maintain and care for the space. Leaving the area as you'd like to find it is important—return tools to their designated places, disconnect devices when not in use, and ensure cleanliness by tidying up any generated debris.

Community: Contribute to the upkeep and advancement of the manufacturing lab by considering other users. Support fellow users within your capacity, share techniques or advancements, and foster an environment that benefits everyone.


In short, maintaining a common-sense approach while upholding responsible, supportive, and collective behavior is key.

What can I find in the Global Network of FabLabs?


FabLabs worldwide are interconnected through various means. This interconnection allows access to an abundance of resources, including projects, plans, ideas, files, and diverse experiences. It facilitates advanced training in manufacturing and art, exemplified by initiatives like the FabAcademy. Moreover, it fosters connections and community engagement among users from across the globe through webinars, conferences, exhibitions, and more.

Can I create a business in a FabLab?


You can incubate a business idea within our facility. This involves initiating specific steps of a business project, such as prototyping a product for future sale, acquainting yourself with manufacturing machinery before investing, or gathering valuable technical and methodological information while planning for a business venture.

However, it's essential to note that the operation or productivity of the business cannot rely on the activities conducted within FabLab Cuenca. It should not restrict or diminish access to the facilities by other users or groups.


Should you have further inquiries, wish to contact us, or simply want to connect, please feel free to reach out via email, phone, or follow us on our social media networks.

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